Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I am on actual vacation for a week. It seems soon, but I did want to get some camping in before the end of summer. I am planning like I do, the perfect trip, which will not be perfect and still, my hope is to lose track of time, read a couple of books, write down some words, and enjoy the company of my family. My son will be up tomorrow, and I can't wait to see him. He is my joy, and utterly unreliable, as joy can be. But I hope he shows up and I get to meet the girlfriend.

There is a pack of killer raccoons in Seattle. Reminds me of that movie they shot up there, The Ring II, with the killer deer. You just couldn't convince me. Bambi gone bad.

Well, I am avoiding work. I need to go through the camping gear, make sure the tent poles are there, finish the laundry, do the food shopping, pack up and be ready to go, then pick up husband, go get firewood, come home and water everything. But first, a nap. Afterall, I AM on vacation.

1 comment:

Kristiana said...

Sounds wonderful. Have a good time!