Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Satan and Boy Robin

Wow. Cheney is Satan, huh? Permafrost. Erudite iceman. I don't know who won or lost, but they sparred. That much is for certain. Americans have been lulled into believing -- no -- it is more likely the result of the continuous terrorizing, awfulizing, catastrophizing, on the part of this mis-administration that has desensitized the populace and led them to consider the 2 party system defunct, impotent at best. And I'd rather have more like 10 parties (you know how I love parties) but for now, two is alot more than we've got.

Bumper sticker de jour: Let's Not Elect Him This Year Either.

And Boy Robin (can't you just see him in the cape, saying: Holy Halliburton Batman!") did get his nose rubbed in it some, but I do think the Halliburton comments pissed Cheney off. He did fine. Shit, I wouldn't want to go up against that guy. He's mean. Wouldn't it have been great if Cheney stood up like he did in the Senate, metal chair barking against the linoleum, and told Edwards to get fucked? Man. I'd love to have seen that.

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